Like I have said before, Hubby and I tend to dabble in the geeky fandoms and Game of Thrones is no exception. I have read all of the books and am up to date on the show. James has a couple episodes to catch up on from the most recent season. He loves Dany while I chose Tyrion to be one of my 8 fictional people I would sit at a table with (I am working on who the other 7 would be, give me some time on that, it's tough). I had heard from someone in the club I belonged to in college that this book was occurring and double checked and it is! While I am pretty sure that it is not a new book, just a collection of the greatest witticisms of Tyrion Lannister, it is still pretty exciting, especially considering that he is a somewhat likable character that Martin has not killed off quite yet. I am in no way sponsored by Amazon but you can
preorder here!

I already have read this, but the entire series would come recommended. It is not on my list of book to reread, but if you like dorky romance books, then these are perfect. Add a little supernatural, some vampires an a Southern girl to it and it was almost made for me. Much less dark and brooding then Anne Rice, although she will always have my heart when it comes to vampire stories, the ending of the Sookie Stackhouse series was interesting to say the least, not what I expected but when it happened, I wasn't blown over either. On the other side of that, though, you could watch True Blood, the tv show based on the book series but then you would be completely lost on anything that goes on. Loosely based, with similar characters and some similar stores is about the most similarities that you can find between the two. Read the books for their story, watch the tv show for its story, don't compare the two. Lafayette and Pam make the entire story in the tv show, in my opinion.

This series has been one of my favorites pretty much since forever. Hubby did a wonderful thing and bought almost the entire series on Ebay for me and since I had only read the first three, I am having fun rereading those and getting through all the others. If you like fantasy, these books are brilliantly written. The main character for the first three novels is a drow (an underground elf) named Drizzt while the following books follow other characters, keeping the story from becoming stale. Salvatore is pretty much a genius in creating a world and depth of character without the wordiness of Tolkien. Another nice thing is that there are plenty of books that are based on the world and the characters that Salvatore did not write, well done fan fiction I suppose, but I have enjoyed them equally. But read them, they are delicious and I love them.
Hubby and I started our relationship over comics, so comics tend to be a common occurrence in our household. James holds pretty true to the big two, Marvel and DC (although he just corrected me and said that he likes independents just as much). He likes plot while I can't read any story if the art doesn't rub me the right way. One of newer comics that has really piqued my interest is the new Brian Vaughn comic, Saga. It has a definite feminine vibe, a Romeo and Juliet story line mixed with Star Wars. The art is awesome (done by Fiona Staples), the narration is well done and the characters are interesting. Pick up the trade paperback to get the first 6 comics or else you will be angry that you can't read the entire story. Unfortunately, after the second trade paperback they are on hiatus, so you may finish the 12th story and cry because there are no more and potentially never will be any more. But it is worth it, if you like aliens and cuteness.
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