My month of limited internet turned out well and outside of my deep-seeded addiction to Pinterest, most of the internet holds little to amuse me anymore. So as far as Resolutions go, this one was successful, I didn't stick to every day with no internet, but for the most part I was pretty disconnected. It did help that two weeks ago I cracked my screen, then a week ago we went to pick up the replacement and by the time we got home, realized that it was a demo phone (which supposedly, is illegal for them to sell?) but it took a week for us to get back to put in a request for a new phone. So another week with a phone that interrupts texts with a video telling me how awesome Slacker radio is. Thankfully, Hubby and I both kept our cool at the service desk, considering the money we put into phone insurance but such is life.
On to a much better topic! Today was a great Momma day. I didn't get to shower, or really get dressed out of lounge wear. I didn't get all of my laundry done for the week. I didn't cook a week's worth of meals today. Really, I did not do much, if we consider chores "doing." But I was awoken an hour and a half earlier then normal by the baby (don't gasp, but it was 7am). So we grabbed the last half hour of Sesame Street, that he has no interest in but I like to use it to gauge his awareness of people's faces, kids, and music. We then had breakfast of mango applesauce, I had greek yogurt with Dove chocolate chunks in it. Baby then got dressed while I threw on my peasant skirt from yesterday and a clean top.
Since there was no school, my nephew was dropped off so we lounged in front of the tube for a while until Lil Cap wanted to nurse and then he fell asleep for twenty minutes until I tried to put him into his crib. He woke up but I wanted to at least load the washing machine, so I figured that he may fall back asleep. No such luck but he stayed quiet and cooed to his stuffed animals until I went in to get him. He was happy and no crying!!!
Then the three of us played on the living floor with Cap's new wooden blocks ( where I spelled inappropriate things to take pictures of to send to Hubby, I gotta keep myself amused!) and while the two boys played, I swept and mopped the kitchen. By mopped, really I mean I used my new steamboost Swiffer sweeper, which I highly recommend. It is pretty much amazing, with three kids and three dogs, the floors get rough but this thing got them clean. Find a coupon and go get one!
After Nephew left (all the Whovians can now giggle), I called my grandmother to chat her up about her new apartment and so she could talk to the baby. While on the phone, I scrubbed and filled up the kitchen sink and gave Cap a bath. He loved it and was able to look out the window at the six inches of snow we got. After wearing himself out in the bath, Cap nursed and fell asleep for two and a half hours, so I could sweep and mop the dining room, scrub the counter tops and clean up. Oh, and eat a meal, a hot meal in its entirety. It was awesome. Hubby came home and he got to eat a hot meal, in its entirety as well. The entire day we had Pandora playing Sublime, Alanis maybe a little Nicki Minaj. We jammed out to Teach me how to Dougie and Jagged Little Pill. I love that Cap loves to dance, in his own little infant way and he loves when we have dance parties in the kitchen. Last week, for an hour, we played the Harlem Shake, the Cupid Shuffle and other miscellaneous songs until we were all sweaty and tired and Cap loved it.
It was a great day. I wasn't worn out and cranky, the baby wasn't worn out and cranky and Hubby got home safely. Thank goodness for good days!
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Hanging out in just a diaper, eating his weight in oatmeal mixed with bananas |
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