I guess it is becoming a habit, hopefully one that I am going to beat this new year, but Baby Cap's six month birthday was over a week ago but I missed it in the midst of my disconnect from the interwebs. So here we go:
Dear Baby Cap,
Happy Six month birthday, baby boy. You have grown so much in six month, it is crazy to me to think that you were born at 8 pounds and you are 17 already. You and I spent an hour the other day switching out your clothes again, packing up the 3-6 month sizes and busting out the 9 month sized clothing. We kept some of the old clothing in hopes that we will have at least one more sibling for you in the future. You are so curious about everything, as long as you can see me from where you are. You aren't crawling yet, or walking but you try. I am still leaning towards you learning how to walk and skipping crawling all together but we will see. The dogs and cat encourage you to try to crawl because you want to touch them all the time. Jack, our cat, is your greatest motivation. He does not really want you to touch him so he will lay right out of your reach while you giggle and wiggle to try and get him.

The other night you woke up and stayed awake for an hour in the middle of the night and giggled ridiculously every time I whispered "kitty kitty kitty." No other words and not just talking. It was adorable. Things like that make me so insanely happy to have you in our lives. Brother and Sister love making you laugh and sometimes your silly little laugh throws us all into a fit of giggles.
We are really trying to get you on a loose schedule to give me time to keep up the house and to give Daddy and I some time together but I am not trying very hard and you aren't helping either! We almost have nap times down, but bedtime is a complete toss up whether is goes well or not. You are eating homemade blended foods at least three times a day and still nursing twice that many times. You are spending more time amusing yourself, at least in waves, so that makes it easier for me to do chores. Outside of that, you are pretty happy in your new high chair while I cook or hanging in our new sling while I fold laundry .
Your eyes have stayed blue still I am pretty positive they will stay that way. Your hair has not really grown in any more, you still have cradle cap that I oil regularly and the tiniest birthmark on the back of your head that I love. You are so tall, at least to me. We already may have to take out the insert in the playpen because you are starting to pull yourself up and Daddy is worried that you will lean too far over the side. If we do take it out, I am so short that it will be so weird to try and lay you down to sleep but we will manage.
You are growing so big and so fast that I am terrified that I might be missing it so I do spend so much time just staring at you or watching infomercials with you on my hip. Don't tell Daddy! We love you tons and are looking forward to your first steps, your first words and to see the new person that you will become!