<- One Month into pregnancy ^Day before delivery
Baby Rogers is Finally Here!!!
While this post is titled end of countdown, I guess we can now countdown to kindergarten or college now! As of July 11th, our latest addition Steven J Rogers came into the world at exactly midnight. Perfectly healthy, all ten toes and fingers, a full head of brown hair and blue eyes!

We did not know whether or not we were having a boy or girl but both Hubby and I through from the day that we got pregnant that we were having a boy, so we were definitely prepared. Luckily, because we hadn't settled on a girl's name whatsoever. Steven was a name that we had decided on before we had even thought about getting pregnant and had stuck with us through the whole nine months while we flip-flopped over a girl's name. For most of the people that asked, Steven was just a name that we both liked (it is also one of Hubby's plethora of middle names) but for those of you who read a few comics or have seen any popular movies recently, Steven Rogers is also the by-day name of Captain America. Hubby and I might be a little bit of geeks ourselves, considering he used to own a comic book store and we started dating after finding that we shared a likeness for comic books and gaming. So of course we named our first child together after a comic book character it just so happens that it is a relatively normal name that he will be able to walk through like with little mishap..hopefully. Baby's two middle names are after his father and his godfather, although two middle names sound like so much for such a small human. Hubby had twice as many middle names so really two isn't that many.
Big Sister and Big Brother are thrilled that the newest addition is here, which is good because two weeks beforehand, E had told me that she was so impatient to see the baby that she wanted to cut me open so that the baby could be here faster. A little odd but very cute how much she wanted to see her new baby brother. So after my water breaking at 2am, we spent half an hour looking up on the internet what happens when your water breaks because I wasn't sure that is what was actually going on. I wanted to wait to go to the hospital because I was not convinced that I was actutally going into labor, I had no pains and I had no real movement in my stomach that I had imagined would happen when the baby was ready to come.

Luckily, Hubby was not as convinced so we headed off to the hospital where we were admitted immediately and set off to walking and stretching out trying to get the baby moving. My contractions didn't really start until ten in the morning. Then we walked some more and I took a shower to relieve some of the back pain, unfortunately, I had a lot of back labor which made it uncomfortable. On the negative side, while I had dilated completely, Baby did not want to progress down so after 22 hours of labor, Steven had to come into the world through a C-section which was completely unplanned so it was stressful. But everything turned out well and after three days of recovery time (I could have used a full week) in the hospital we came home the following Sunday and Hubby spent the next week on a little vacation helping me recover and figuring out all about Baby! It was a terrifying and stressful experience but the tiny little body that sleeps in my arms every night makes it completely worth it, not to mention how much more I love Hubby and love seeing the look in his eyes when we have our whole family together.
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